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Government Shutdown - SNAP

Christmas is over but the opportunity to gift neighbors, family, and friends still goes on. As you may be aware most of Health and Human services is furloughed due to the shutdown. How does that impact you and why is this important? The SNAP program (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) formerly known as Food Stamps MAY not be able to fund the EBT (electric benefits transfer) cards that allow recipients to buy much needed groceries (not cigarettes or alcohol). This could be devastating for some families.

So here's our (your) opportunity to help!!!! If you know someone who's EBT card might not be funded due to the shutdown, this might be a great time to make them a lasagna or invite them over for dinner. A person or family in need can also come to TCNA or Chris Clyne in the Tamworth Town Welfare Department.

We, who live in Tamworth, are lucky. Lucky to have a safe and supportive community. Lucky to have friends and neighbors who mean it when they look you in the eye and say "How are you..... really." Lucky to have opportunities to make a difference in each others lives.

Thank you for all you already do for one another and keep up the good work and remember that compassion counts at TCNA.

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