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Ode to Tamworth

Photo by John Watkins - Lake Chocorua

On the shores of Lake Chocorua in 1921 The women would gather enjoying the sun They spoke of their families, their travels, and dreams They talked of their wishes for this town so pristine.

“I wish we had someone to call when Johnny’s got fevers or earaches again.” “I know what you mean,” said one of the dames “Last week George fell down - oh is he lame.”

“There’s no one to call to guide us along when someone is sick and not very strong.” “Well what should we do just sit and complain?” “No, I know of a nurse. Mary Curran’s her name.”

“Why don’t we unite and ask her to come. We can pay her a wage a fair but modest sum.” “She can help with my mother.” “She can help with Aunt Ann.” “She could help with the children.” “Oh it would be grand!”

“The whole town could use her. “What a wonderful sight To see her arriving all dressed in starched whites.”

And so it began, on that hot summers day. The birth of the service we call TCNA. 90 years later, it’s still going strong. The nurses still visit and help us along.

“They gave me my flu shot!” “They bandaged my ear.” “They were with Uncle Harry when he died last year.”

“She came when I called her.” “She came late at night.” “She came on a weekend but not dressed in white.”

Now TCNA turns 90 years young. It’s work still continues With much to be done.

So here’s to the founders, those women of yore. It’s them you should thank for that nurse at your door.

Thanks to the nurses who served all these days And here’s to the donors who support us today! Here’s to the Board who’s guided the way! A happy, happy birthday dear TCNA!!!!!

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