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Endowment, Planned & Legacy Giving
Permanence. This one word sums up the advantage of an endowment for you as a donor and for the TCNA community. Endowments established decades ago create a legacy that still sustains TCNA and our community. A gift of endowments ensures that your generosity and vision will have impact that extends far beyond your lifetime. If you are considering a gift of endowment, one of the first decisions will be how you want your gift to be used.
Unrestricted Endowment
A gift to TCNA Unrestricted Endowment will support the full spectrum of initiatives and programs essential to the future of our community and its residents.
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE)
Create an endowment to perpetuate your Annual Campaign gift. This is a great way to sustain your lifelong investment in your community.
Julie Lanoie, RN, MA
Executive Director
Securing the Future with a Planned Gift
Easy ways to create a planned gift to TCNA.
Bequest by will or trust
A charitable bequest is the easiest and most efficient way to leave a legacy gift to TCNA. By means of your will, trust or other estate plan you can:
Name TCNA to receive a percentage of your estate.
Leave TCNA a specific dollar amount.
Retain full control and use your assets during your lifetime.
Modify your bequest if your circumstances change.
Retirement Plan Assets
You may designate TCNA as a beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan, such as an IRA, 401(k), OR 403(b). To do so, simply contact your retirement plan administrator and complete the appropriate beneficiary designation form.
Name TCNA as a beneficiary you may avoid significant, often unanticipated, estate and income taxes that would otherwise be paid by your heirs.
Choose TCNA as a contingent beneficiary of your retirement plan in which chase TCNA will receive your retirement plan assets only after your spouse) or another designated primary beneficiary) has passed away.
A bequest through your will, trust or retirement account is an easy way to create and endowment.
Life Income Gift
A Charitable Gift Annuity or a Charitable Reminder Trust can provide an immediate tax deduction and lifetime income. After the death of the last beneficiary, the remainder becomes part of and endowment fund to be used in accordance with your wishes.
Outright Gift or Multi-year Pledge
You may fund your endowment through an outright gift or a multi-year pledge, allowing your endowment to begin supporting our community during your lifetime.
Life Insurance
You may purchase a life insurance policy, making TCNA both owner and beneficiary. After your passing, TCNA will redeem the policy and the proceeds will support TCNA's endowment.
Making a Difference.
By letting us know your plans, we can thank and recognize you. You may also remain anonymous; be assured that TCNA will honor your wishes. Click here to confidentially notify the Gift Planning team that TCNA has been included in your estate plans.
TCNA does not provide tax, financial, or investment advice. If you have any tax, investment, or financial questions, please consult with a qualified advisor.
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